The German football Federation (DFB) to terminate its existing contracts with the marketing Agency Infront. This is the DFB announced on Wednesday after a digital conference of its Bureau. The Association had received in may of last year, indications of a “possible adverse actions” of the company, has, according to its own information, in the meantime, results of a study of the consulting company Esecon.

“This creates a number of acts who come for the DFB as the clear irregularities in connection with the state and the provision of the contractual services of Infront as well as unlawful influence on the DFB arise within the recent years, the representatives represent,” said the DFB. The news magazine “der Spiegel” reported that damage to the largest specialist sports Association in the world up to 40 million euros.

As reported in the magazine last week, the confidential Report of the Berlin-based consulting company, information as to possible corruption in the case of transactions of the DFB with the long-time sports marketer Infront Sports from Switzerland.

Infront had up to 2018, the mission of the band advertising to procure partners for the games of the national team. According to the investigation report, the company in 2013 have received from the DFB bid for the business, even though a competitor had offered up to 18 million Euro more. Even today, current band advertising contract for the DFB Cup games in 2015, under questionable to be passed to Infront.