Dresden (dpa/sn) – The European Research Council (ERC) supports the work of four top researchers working in Dresden. The three professors and one professor were awarded one of the renowned Consolidator Grants of the EU. This shows that “clever women and men from all over the world are advancing research at the highest level” in Saxony, said Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow (CDU) in Dresden on Tuesday. In connection with this, they each received almost two million euros for their projects over the next five years.

The physicist and electrical engineer Yana Vaynzof, who teaches at the Technical University, researches new semiconductor materials for use in electronic and optoelectronic components; specifically metal halide perovskite materials that can convert sunlight into electrical energy.

The neuroscientist and psychologist Philipp Kanske deals with emotional and cognitive processes that enable social behavior. The TU professor is developing a targeted and tailor-made training program for people with difficulties in social interaction.

At the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), biomedical scientist Meritxell Huch and chemist Dora Tang investigate the principles of liver regeneration and disease, and the life of biological cells and tissues from assemblies of non-living molecules. In addition to scientific excellence, they should also have demonstrated “the groundbreaking approach of their project and its feasibility” in the application for funding.