A failure? Two weeks after its launch, the French application of tracing of contacts StopCovid account of barely two million users, according to FranceInfo. That number may seem relatively low in terms of the challenges associated with its use. It must be said that the government has finally little press release on the subject. One way, perhaps, to avoid too lend the flank to criticism. To the questions that are asked on the choice of technology – France has turned back to the protocols put in place by Apple and Google – these are added other questions, especially on the intéropérablité of StopCovid with similar applications to our european neighbours.

The question of the date of the launch has also raised many questions. Initially expected for the first phase of the déconfinement, on 11 may, it was finally available on June 2 for the second phase of the déconfinement. Its launch was also accompanied by a small kerfuffle: many users are confused and have downloaded the app Catalan instead!

bases at least asked

Finally, the application seems to be much less relevant, so that the epidemic is receding, at least in France. It is designed to alert its users if they have remained in the presence of a person tested a posteriori in a positive Covid-19, for at least 15 minutes. In order to be relevant, it must also be widely used. This is not the case. Cedric O, secretary of State of the Digital had explained to the Figaro that with 10% of the population using it, particularly in the large cities, this would be a success. With 2 million followers, it is far from the account.

the Only consolation for the proponents of the project: in case of resumption of the pandemic Covid-19, or other similar condition, the application tracing has at least been already developed. The basics are set up. France will however have to still ask if it persists in its choice of technology or if it puts himself on the side of the users of the program of development application (API) of Google and Apple.

The editorial team conseilleL’application StopCovid approved by the Assembly and the SénatCédric O: “Subject to the vote in Parliament, the application StopCovid could be available as early as this weekend,”Covid-19: Apple and Google launch their solution traçageApplication StopCovid : France can it really be happening to Apple ?Covid-19: the application of trace turns in the puzzle for the gouvernementSujetsCédric OFranceStopCovidAppleCovid-191 commentaireFRANKI11le 17/06/2020 11:16

About 66 million French, 2 million, this is indeed a success…

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