It is the economic process that is discussed in the City of London these days a lot of and whispered about. The applicant would get in front of the High Court law, threatens the Barclays Bank a huge penalty payment. Amanda Staveley calls for 1.5 billion pounds (1.7 billion euros) in “compensation” from the Bank that you mediated in the financial crisis twelve years ago, the save contact to Arab money. The 47-year-old consultant and founder of PCP Capital Partners, is assured of victory, the lawyers of Barclays call their claim “built on Sand”.

Philip Plickert

economic correspondent based in London.

F. A. Z.

In October 2008, at the height of the financial crisis, had investors from Qatar and Abu Dhabi of the stricken Bank were to be given 7.3 billion pound injections of capital and Barclays thus eliminating the need for nationalisation. Sheikh Mansour Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, a member of the ruling family of Abu Dhabi, contributed the equivalent of more than 3 billion pounds, and with it acquired a 16% stake in Barclays. At the core of the dispute now goes to two questions: How large is the role of the then 35-year-old Amanda Staveleys in the mediation of the capital injection from Abu Dhabi was? And Barclays has promised the same financial conditions as the main investors from Qatar, the sovereign wealth Fund and a Sheikh from the Al Thani family? This denies the Bank.

she says before the High Court that she was “shocked”, as you’ve heard from Barclays commissions to the Qataris. Staveleys company PCP got “only” 30 million pound fee paid. Now the fifty-fold of what she wants. Barclays lawyers say that PCP occurred not as a Private-Equity Fund, as Staveley claimed, but only as a consulting company. In the High Court to be raised since the past week now, the various documents, e-mails and statements, the Staveleys, the role and the behavior of the Bank light.

wating for the British press

in addition to dazzling leading lady, there are a number of secondary characters in the piece, such as the former Tory Minister David Mellor, who received for mediation services half a Million of PCP. In addition, a former Staveley enters still-business partner by the name of Omar Hassanieh, the stage, the calls of their half of the expected 1.5 billion payment, because in reality he had made of the contact to Abu Dhabi’s ruling family.

Additional seasoning is the process by Roger Jenkins, Barclays ‘ former regional chief for the Middle East and the main negotiator during the rescue operation. He was, at one time the best-paid Banker in the City, “Big Dog,” they called him because of his lush salary and Bonus package of allegedly 75 million pounds in a year, as the “King of the Double Dip” (a special double tax savings), he was known. Jenkins claims his then wife Diana, don’t Staveley, have made the crucial contact with the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi. The blonde PCP-founder, he as a “slut” means.

A senior Bank lobbyist, Steven Jones, had to withdraw because of alleged sexist Remarks against Staveley. The alleged insults are like twelve years ago, in internal Emails, as Jones worked at Barclays – but now you have driven him to resign from his Post at the main British banking lobby organization Finance UK. Jones should have called Staveleys company PCP Capital Partners, in a telephone conversation as “a lot of scumbags”. The comments were “not appropriate” and does not conform to the Standards of the industry, said the regulatory head of UK Finance. The lobby Association represents more than 250 banks and financial service providers in the United Kingdom.