With the poem “roots” from the third book of poetry by Nadja kitchen master the 1981 Berlin-born author leads us in a familiar everyday scene of far-reaching emotional complexity. It’s about the loss of a close Person on the basis of the description of the abandoned apartment. It remains unclear whether the now absent man went suddenly, seriously ill, or is dead; it is certain, however, that this did not have the privilege to be able to, in spite of advanced age, until the last, a self-determined life. The poem resembles a sketchy still life, composed of voids and omissions. What is not in the Text, adds the own Imagination. We see an open window, the clothes rack, the, as a kind of barrier to the onslaught of the pigeons, could not hold already in the refrigerator and nest stand. We mean to see the people who reads the daily mirror, and potatoes to eat, and an artificial set of Teeth contributes. We almost have the smells of the apartment in the nose.

on the Basis of the description of the abandoned town of less the space itself, but rather the before in him, living life. The observed I look at the objects, pointing to the people behind them, whose presence dominates despite his absence, the rooms. It is real relics, such as the false teeth on the plate, be it by the faint Silhouette of the body in the clothes in the wardrobe. In the description of the Remnants of that physical presence the physical absence of the Missing is particularly painful to experience. Even the photos on the wall from the radiation maximum abandonment and animate to the question: “what shows / a photo, if no one is looking?”

In analogy to the philosophical problem of whether a falling tree in the forest makes a sound if nobody is there to hear it, the poem here is to George Berkeley’s “esse est percipii” thinking. If to Be is to be perceived, shows a photo that nobody looks at, logically, nothing, because then there is not the whole picture. Here is broken for the first Time in the Text, the level of pure contemplation, and the subject appears now as a designer of its objects. Now, since the apartment is empty, the lyrical I the only guarantor of their existence.

Who is perceived to be, exist

Where the missing Person is gone, will not be unveiled, soon to come Back, apparently not expected. Overall, it must be a sudden awakening to have been, because a drawer is still open. The lyrical I starts to count pieces of clothing, including shirts. As a result, for the first Time is given a note on the probable male sex of the owner. The psychological need to calm down by Counting to the spirit and to arrange things, is at the same time, a mechanism to escape the excessive demands by the as disturbing perceived Situation. The search for meaning through the construction of a narrative is probably due to the attempt of one’s own being lost to find a Stop order to. I have to admit: “without history I can’t go home”. The inner compulsion of the Narrative is deconstructed in the poem, the resulting intimacy.