
  • Page 1 — The miracle of Jawor
  • Page 2 — “Our responsibility does not end for us at factory gate”
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    The appointment is one of more pleasant, managers of Stuttgart Auto Group Daimler had to complete in recent times. After appointment of chief Executive officer for Rapport with Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs for possibly hundreds of thousands of diesel engines with irregularly controlled exhaust gas purification and after a profit warning due to trade dispute with USA, Mercedes production board Markus Schäfer with or executives on a plane to Poland last Friday, to topping-out ceremony for resulting engine plant in Lower Silesian Jawor.

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    There y were received by local notables with open arms. From Warsaw came extra Jadwiga Emilewicz, Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology, to praise 500 million Euro-expensive project in highest notes – nationally Conservative PiS government has recently partially very harsh rhetoric against Foreign supremacy in general and German interests in particular filed.

    Since former finance minister Mateusz Morawiecki took over post of prime minister in December, anor wind blows: recently even whole of Poland by law is a special economic zone with a Beinahesteuerbefreiung on corporate profits up to 15 years – Not only 14 regionally limited areas that were available to date. The leadership in Warsaw is now aware that without support of foreign investors, brilliant economic growth of country cannot be maintained. Some land lines have barely reached it. such as area around 70 kilometers west of Wrocław lying Jawor. While in or regions of Poland re has long been full employment, unemployment here is still 13 percent.

    Thousands of German companies have branches in Poland

    So far foreigners have mostly come to less than 25,000 inhabitants, to visit Peace church built re after Thirty Years War. Until departure of ir buses, y were able to admire beautifully decorated veranda of a grayed-out Aunt Emma shop in centre of city, which was accurately furnished with detergent cartons, Weichspülerflaschen and ironing aid Spraydosen. The house, like so many, comes from a time when Jawor was still called Jauer and belonged to Germany. On a day when something is going on in Jawor, like last Friday, on Rumpeligen roads between surrounding cereal fields, two cars go into ditch at a distance of a few minutes, and local fire brigade does not know who to rush to help first Should.

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    If everything goes according to plan, Mercedes engine plant will go into operation next year. Then more than 1,000 people are supposed to work here. Production Board Schäfer announced doubling of originally planned number of employees on occasion of guideline. The workforce is to build four-cylinder engines of a new generation. “Highly efficient engines that are mainly built into hybrid vehicles,” says manager. Delivery goal: The whole world. Jawor was an “optimal addition” to car factory in Hungary and to engine production of MDC Power GmbH in Thuringian Kölleda and thus optimally integrated into global production network of Mercedes-Benz.

    Daimler is an afterthought among German investors in Poland. Well 6,500 companies have already established branches, also car competition of Volkswagen and BMW. No or country is as present with its companies in Poland as Germany.

    About 60 percent of Polish exports of goods originate from companies that are foreign-owned. Until a few months ago, high percentage has repeatedly caused displeasure. Minister Emilewicz is pragmatic: “As Polish companies are still at very beginning of topic of innovation, foreign investors can fertilize each or with a Hightechprofil and Polish investors.”

    There are also some very good examples of this, such as settlement of US engine manufacturer Pratt Whitney in souast of country, says Emilewicz. “A few years ago, re was only Pratt Whitney and outside industrial desert. Today, re are more than 100 small and medium-sized suppliers who supply Pratt Whitney with products and services. And not only this company, but also ors. Pratt Whitney’s requirements are so high that small and medium-sized businesses have to change dramatically. ” Mercedes should repeat this story in Lower Silesia if possible.