A walking disability often comes on suddenly. Nevertheless, those affected should plan the installation of a stairlift well. Otherwise they pay a lot of money for bad goods or miss the chance of promotion.

There are many black sheep among stair lift providers. Anyone who can no longer cope with the steps at home should definitely obtain thorough information about providers before installing a system, advises the magazine “Finanztest” (issue 6/2022). Specifically, this means:

The KfW bank also promotes the installation of lifts. However, this may not be combined with the grants from the long-term care insurance fund. Both financiers require an application before construction. In addition to the long-term care insurance fund and the KfW, some states, cities and municipalities are promoting the installation of lifts. The competent authorities provide information on this. Stairlifts can also be tax deductible as an extraordinary burden.

If the mobility impairment is the result of an accident caused by someone else, the person who caused it must pay for the lift. In the event of an accident at work or an occupational disease, the employer or professional association are obliged.