Synergology consists in detecting the manifestations of non-verbal language. A kind of X-ray that would come to reveal what your interlocutor does not say, but that his body, his expressions betray… Which is not to the taste of Boris, the colossal blond cop torn between the idea of ​​the charlatanism of this “science” and the fear of being “read” in this investigation by his colleague Maxime Monceau, the synergologist. Deciphering the body language could prove very useful here, since it is not a question of a disappearance but of a reappearance. That of Victoria Savigy, of whom we lost all trace eleven years earlier and who returns to the police station for throwing her hot coffee in the face of the driver who had just picked her up hitchhiking.

It’s huge, enigmatic as can be, but above all, wonderfully well done. So much so that the novel has already conquered 20,000 readers in digital alone and that its publisher is therefore launching a paper edition under the name of L’Oiseau noir. The thriller is good and its story is beautiful, everything we love.

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