in Charlotte, the Call will be silent and thinks for a few seconds. Then say: the English landslagsikonen.

” well… it has to be between 10 and 12 times into the all the same?

the Question was simple, how many times over the years that bradley has been and gone according to cas, the popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena in Oslo, norway.

the answer was a bit uncertain, one thing is however for sure: on Saturday, tremil, will not be similar to any of the previous ones.

“no, No, this is going to be different for me,” says the 32-year-old.

the Reason is, of course, the fear of the spread of the coronavirus has been made to the municipality of Oslo has taken the decision to carry out the skidhelgen without an audience.

– bradley: ”are different”
Just the popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena is the competition in the year that attracts the most spectators in the whole of the world cup, with an estimated 30 000 spectators.

” There tends to be a sprängfullt of the people, who, bradley said.

” I think it’s going to be quite a few who are seeking out the areas of the forest that is behind the fence. But at the stadium it will be different.

for bradley, however, has a full appreciation for the decision taken.

” Those who have knowledge of the situation to make sure that wise decision. So, I’m relying on them.

” It’s not fun in any way. But at the same time, I do not put as much focus on it. we have a good bunch around us, and that is able to filter out all the misinformation.

However, coronavirus is not the only thing that made headlines around the världscuphelg at the Holmenkollen arena in oslo.

Threats to the Kollens to the future

Over the years, the number of skiers has decreased on the femmil and the tremil. Last year, for example, only 45 riders at the start of the herrtävlingen.

the Reasons are considered to be more.

Both date and time. The five – and according to cas, the Track is determined by tradition, just a week after the long haul of the championship.

Secondly, the dominance. On the men’s side, countries such as Norway and the Russian federation, several times, dominated them completely – which have led other nations to lose interest.

this Year’s event will be no exception to this.

” no, No, it’s not going to be a big line-up. A few nations are not in it at all, and others come with just a few riders, ” says Pierre Mignerey, tävlingschef of the International ski federation (Fis).

And the Fis would now be taking steps to reverse the trend.

” We need to be able to have so many active, on-the-spot in as many races as possible. So, now we have to analyse what we can do, ” said Mignerey.

the Fishing-the bass ”it Is a wise move for a femmil?”

According to the Fisheries tävlingschef the best option would be to arrange for the popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena in a different part of the season.

” But there are a couple of problems with it. In the popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena would like to have a weekend with the ski jumping and nordic combined – which makes it more difficult to find on weekends, which is convenient.

instead, the solution may be to shorten the distances considerably. The femmil, which resulted in 118 years (!) the place is done in a much shorter distance.

“we Can’t change the date for the popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena and so, we need to discuss changing the events,” says Pierre Mignerey.

” the popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena is always a week after the national championships, which concludes with a three – and-femmil. Is it wise to have a three – and-femmil at the Track? It’s something that we need to bear in mind.

this season, without a championship, yet has been so popular Holmenkollen winter sports arena is affected by the same problems of nations such as flat.

” There have been too many world cup competitions this winter. The law should not have to opt-out of the races because they are not able to be at all, ” said Pierre Mignerey.

Frida Karlsson: ”to Become really, really sad
On the Saturday of the areas, therefore, the tremil at the Holmenkollen arena in oslo. And thus, there is a risk that it is, for the last time.

There is a threat that the English landslagsstjärnan Frida Karlsson was not at all fond of.

” Oh, I definitely think it’s a good thing that there is a tremil of the Track. It is, of course, is a classic. Of course, there is no other tremil of the world cup, ” says the 22-year-old.

” I’d be really sad if this is the case.

Frida Karlsson has been, together with Peter Andersson, the Swedish professor in the tremil.

This is despite the fact that Karlsson has actually only been a tremil only once before in his career.

“But it was good last time, so it’ll fit me,” says Karlsson with a laugh.

that was a’s first race at the distance? According to cas, the world CUP in Seefeld, where Frida Karlsson won the bronze medal.

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the world Cup in cross-country skiing – everything you need to know.