Also, former high-ranking military that were stationed in Europe, criticize the President’s plans, Donald Trump, almost 10,000 American soldiers in Germany to be deducted, especially violently. The deduction of the projects tell a “total” cluelessness as to why the soldiers were in Germany: they were there, say, for example, the former commander of American land forces in Europe Ben Hodges, not to defend Germany, “but for us there”. They serve American interests.

President Trump and his loyal Einflüsterer Richard Grenell, who until recently was Ambassador to Berlin seems to be somehow escaped. Or you don’t want to understand. They prefer spending to punish Germany by troops withdrawal: for (not only) from their point of view to low defense, for the Nord Stream-2 project, for the export surplus in trade with the United States and who knows for what else.

tutoring lesson in the subject of strategy

Actually is forming now is also resistance in Congress. To not recognize that the Republicans give, that they are only there to throw Confetti or trellis for the President. The letter now several members of the house of representatives were at the White house, is nothing more than a (tutoring)lesson in the subject of strategy. Their criticism is, in short, that a deduction endanger the strategic interests of the United States, the cohesion of the Nato weaknesses, as well as Russia and China would encourage, cracks in the transatlantic relationship, for their own purposes to exploit. Of course, the American presence also represents an insurance policy for Germany, but not only.