Liverpool-Coach Jürgen Klopp has criticised the allegedly racially-motivated action at the soccer game between Manchester City and Burnley FC. “This shows that we are not yet where we want to be,” said Klopp on Tuesday, the British broadcaster Sky Sports. During the game, on Monday a plane with a Banner that says “White Lives Matter – Burnley was” (White people count – Burnley) on the stadium flew.

“It is clear that all lives count, of course,” said Klopp, “but in this Moment, after what happened in America and not only there, it is not necessary to mention the extra. This only shows that you didn’t understand it.“

The violent death of the black American George Floyd during a police operation, had the world taken care of for horror. Since then, hundreds of thousands of people protesting under the Motto “Black Lives Matter” (Black lives count) against racism. Premier-League-players showed their support for the protests by kneeling in front of the game at the kick-off circle.

“Maybe we have missed the”

“In this Generation, there are obviously still people who don’t want to understand it,” said Klopp, there is a need, obviously, even more effort to convince all by the idea of equality. “We start earlier, our kids used to educate,” says the 53-Year-old. “We need to explain to you from the first day of the equality. Maybe we have failed in the past.“

That players and coaches would be more willing to raise their voice against racism, believes Klopp. “It was never different, to be honest,” he said. “I don’t know of one Trainer in my whole career, ( … ), had a racist thought, because it doesn’t fit the football.” To forget from time to time to talk about the issue, because other issues come to the fore, so Klopp. “But right now it is an important issue. And I think it is good, the intensity with which it is discussed.“

Meanwhile, the police informed Lancashire: “We make investigation in order to clarify all the circumstances of this incident. Only then are we able to assess whether criminal offences have taken place. It is clear to us that this Banner has angered many people in Lancashire and elsewhere, and we continue to work closely with our partners at the club and with the local authorities.“

aerodrome Blackpool comments

According to English media the aircraft from a flight, reports started place in Blackpool, near Manchester. A man from Lancashire, with contacts with the radical right-wing scene have on Facebook are known to have the aircraft, including banners posted. Later, the Account was deleted but.

The Blackpool airport said according to the BBC: “We are against racism of any kind and will not tolerate the activity absolutely. The message was offensive, and the action is reprehensible. The decision to fly the Banner was only taken of the banner airline without the Knowledge or consent of the airport or to the Blackpool Council.“