The G7 format – nuclear force of West as we knew it – has settled. Hardly had German delegation with Chancellor Angela Merkel landed again in Berlin after two days of hard wrestling in Canadian La Malbaie, it turned out that US President Donald Trump in meantime signed joint Had withdrawn from final declaration.

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Patiently, six or heads of government have endured Trump’s monologues, which repeatedly revolve around core message of his presidency: that US is regularly balbiert by world over spoon, and that it is now over. Angry complaints about supposedly unfair car imports of Germans were replaced by stirring stories about his German grandfar.

Trump, who lives in world of steel barons, cannot see that not only were goods in a trade balance: American services offered by Facebook, Google and ors in Europe make things look completely different. The heads of government and ir negotiators were all more relieved on Saturday to have yet anor joint statement. For a long time, American delegation had resisted commitment to a “rule-based order” – in fact a matter of course in departing world of west. Then she finally agreed.

On into arms of dictator Kim Jong Un

But it doesn’t help. Partners have become opponents. Trump had not come to Canada to compromise, but to show his constituents that now is payday. He arrived late and drove off earlier. Four decades of transatlantic cohesion from Air Force One with a few tweets carved into pieces, explaining Allies to enemies – to break up to Singapore into arms of dictator Kim Jong Un. “If this madness has a method,” former British ambassador Peter Westmacott wrote, “Then she is well hidden.”

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America first will be America alone. But hope that Trump’s voters could be wise by damage that a trade war will bring to m is deceptive: that’s not how sanctions are going. The rage is directed against external enemy, against Friends of earlier, by chance also liberal democracies.

The most difficult situation for norrn neighbors is trumps. Two-thirds of Canada’s exports go to US, and Canada is most important trading partner for many US countries. Justin Trudeau has now set tone that will probably be heard more often in future between old friends: “We Canadians are polite. We’re sensible. But we don’t let ourselves be pushed around. “