It would give ground-breaking results, President of United States had promised before his meeting with Kim Jong Un. One day after joint memorandum of Intent, question arises in South Korea for which side.

At least on this Wednesday, South Koreans made ir views known in electoral booths. The local elections included 17 mayoral posts. After initial projections, 14 of m will go to ruling Minju party. Of twelve members to be given seats, leftist party is expected to secure ten seats. A clear victory for progressive camp of President Moon Jae in, who made rapprochement with North Korea possible. Since election campaign was primarily in shadow of inner-Korean approach, result can also be seen as a sign of confidence in Moon’s North Korea policy.

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Donald Trump, on or hand, could not necessarily increase its popularity in South Korea: The country’s largest daily newspaper, conservative Chosun Ilbo, writes in an editorial that country feels abandoned by US President: “Trumps comments During ensuing press conference, things just got worse – promising North Korea to suspend joint military exercises between us and South Korean forces. ” In same newspaper, Park won Gon, professor of international relations at Handong Global University, called Letter of intent ” biggest scam of century that 99 percent of all wishes of North Korea.” The leader of country’s leading Conservative party, Hong Joon Pyo, tweeted: “South Korea’s national security is on brink of a crisis.”

Trump single-handedly

As a reminder: on or hand, Donald Trump, in Singapore, announced a reporter’s question of stopping “expensive and provocative war games” with South Korea. It is a fact that this was not previously agreed with government in Seoul. According to a speaker of presidential seat, one is still not sure what Trump meant exactly with “war games”. President Moon convened a national security meeting for Thursday to debate results of summit and its implications. Once again, government in Washington has turned out to be an unreliable ally.

Currently, United States has 28,500 soldiers on South Korean soil. Trump had already announced in presidential campaign that he wanted to pull troops off, South Korea’s government should not be more financially responsible for ir presence. In this way, he triggered a shock wave in South Korea, which was also reflected in financial markets. The apportionment of blame is, however, purely populist: at moment, in city of Pyeongthaek south of Seoul, a multi-billion-dollar US military base is being built, which is paid to 90 percent by South Korean taxpayer.

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The annual military manoeuvres between South Korea and United States are indeed judged by North Korea as a “declaration of war” and provocation. For south, however, y are an integral part of decade-long alliance with United States. They are necessary above all because intervention forces rotate every few years and refore military processes have to be constantly checked. The Russian Nordkoreanologe Andrei Lankov, refore, considers suspension of military exercises to be biggest concession of summit: “It is characteristic that this was given by Americans alone.”

Impossible Coexistence

Are inhabitants of Seoul now afraid of ir security? “Even if mood between North and south is now peaceful, we have our own right to defend. Therefore, I do not think that we should give up military exercises with US forces, “says, for example, Oh Jin Hyun, operator of a small shop in city centre of capital. “Of course, at some point we should be completely independent and insist on a withdrawal of US soldiers in South Korea”, finds Kim Sang Jin, a music professor at renowned Seoul National University. “But in my opinion, this process should happen quite slowly. The young generation wants this faster than I would like. “

Conservative experts have long warned that North Korea is still aiming to zwangszuvereinen Korean peninsula under its own banner. Since South Korea has become a democracy, two parts have been far from each or. “As a ultranationalistischer state with immense personality cult, North Korea cannot coexist in long term with a free South Korea on par,” says Brian Myers of Dongseo University in Busan, one of profound experts in North Korean Ideology. According to Myers, North Korea would already insist in a first stage of negotiations that, in exchange for a peace treaty and nuclear disarmament, US troops would withdraw from South Korea. That is exactly what South Korea’s liberal president, Moon Jae, has categorically ruled out so far.