The Prosecutor’s Office of the Supreme Court concludes that he does not notice signs of crime in the fortune hidden on the island of Jersey of King Emeritus.
The prosecutor chief anti-corruption, Alejandro Luzon, has developed a file decree of these research diligences, whose draft has been advanced by the Cope chain, in which he excrises Don Juan Carlos of any kind of criminal liability.

The document consists of a score of folios, is still pending to be visa by the State Attorney General, and in it it is maintained that “there is no indications that allow leading criminal reproach against SMD Juan Carlos de Borbón and Bourbon”, so that
Agrees the archive of this research, only one of the three that keeps the Public Ministry open against the previous head of the State.

Luzon details that Don Juan Carlos had a trust in the islands of the Canal de la Mancha named The JRM 2004 Trust, which was constituted almost two decades in Jersey.
This financial vehicle, whose existence revealed the world, was nourished, abounds, of the funds from two other Trust who had previously created in 1995 and 1997 Manuel Prado and Colón de Carvajal, personal assistant of Don Juan Carlos for many years.

The Sala prosecutor argues that the origin of money came from donations made to Don Juan Carlos in 50 and in the 70s to support the sustainment of the time Prince.
“The purpose of both Trust was to support the then King Don Juan Carlos I in the event that he was deposed by an unconstitutional blow or a similar situation and had him as the only beneficiary”.

However, in 2004, it accurates the prosecutor chief anti-corruption, “the political situation in Spain was stable, the heir, today King Felipe VI, had just married, the monarchy enjoyed prestige and the public knowledge of the existence of the
Trusts, with the presence in them by Manuel Prado, and then condemned by the national audience, would have demanded embarrassing explanations. ”
Hence, the monarch decided to “liquidate the Trusts and transfer the funds to Joaquín Romero Maura”.

The latter designated his wife and British Refugee Council as beneficiaries, “a charitable organization founded in 1951 and dedicated to helping refugees and people who, fleeing areas of war, conflict, violence or persecution, seek asylum in the United Kingdom”
As of that moment, Luzon maintains that this financial vehicle had “very low activity” and that recent money provisions do not constitute a crime against public finance by their amount.
Likewise, he emphasizes that he has not been credited that these funds of funds will be carried out by Mr. Juan Carlos himself.

The referral funds in Jersey were not regularized by King Emeritus after starting the prosecution his investigators because the monarch held at all times that the trust discovered by the capital bleach service at the end of 2020 was not his.