The Extraordinary Council of the National Health System has approved the end of the Exterior Mask to protect themselves from the Coronavirus and has decided to expand the slurry at 75% indoors and 85% outdoors despite the Covid.
Darias advanced it last Friday, just three days after Congress validated by the minimum controversial decree with which the government returned to impose its use on the street at the end of December before the increase of coronavirus cases by the omicron variant

85% of nursing professionals have seen their mental health diminished because of the coronavirus pandemic, which has caused almost half to leave this profession.

This is extracted from the study ‘Radiography of the professional and emotional situation of the nursing profession, which presented this Monday the General Council of Nursing of Spain (CGE) at a virtual press conference in which the President of the Entity, Florentine participated
Pérez Raya;
Vice-Presidents II and III, José Ángel Rodríguez and José Luis Cobos;
and its general secretary, Diego Ayuso, and that includes the perception of the pandemic during these almost two years of more than 19,000 professionals, who responded to a survey during the month of January 2022.

Other data is also obtained, such as one third of them (33%) acknowledges having suffered depression, which six out of 10 confirms having suffered insomnia (58.6%) and something more than two thirds has had serious episodes of
Anxiety (67.5%).

Morocco reopened its airspace on Monday, after more than two months of closing, in an attempt to save the tourist season, a vital sector for its economy but devastated by the sanitary crisis by the coronavirus.

The resumption of aerial links was accepted with relief by tour operators and Moroccans abroad, some of which were stranded for weeks due to the appearance of the variant omicron in Morocco.

The reopening is accompanied by strict restrictive measures to enter Moroccan territory, less draconian, however, as before the closure of the borders on November 29.

All travelers must be vaccinated, according to a government statement.
In addition to the vaccination certificate, it is necessary to present a negative PRC test of less than 48 hours.

The mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, has given positive for Covid-19 and has suspended his public agenda for a few days, although he still trusts that he can attend the Gala of the Goya Awards of this Saturday at the Palau de les Arts
the city.

This has been confirmed by the Mayor himself in a message on social networks, where he has assured that he is well, without symptoms, and “Luckily, with the three doses of the vaccine.”

Ribó, 74, adds that he must cancel his public agenda for a few days, in which he will be confined and working from home, and has asked the citizenship to take care of it.

Hormones produced by muscle during physical exercise decrease the possibility of infection by coronavirus and complications in the case of getting sick by Covid-19, in addition to reducing inflammation and cell death caused in case of infection.

This is concluded in a clinical study conducted by Dr. Amaia Rodríguez Murueta-Goyena, researcher at the Metabolic Research Laboratory of the University of Navarra (CUN) and of Ciberobn, a work that has been awarded at the last congress of Spanish society
of the study of obesity (Seedo).

As the CUN exposes in a note, its work starts from the basis that patients with obesity have a greater number of receptors for coronavirus in body fat and, in addition, fat cells of these patients are capable of producing more inflammatory molecules
that individuals with normal weight.

Galicia registers 53,706 patients by Coronavirus, 3.861 less than the previous day, on a day in which daily contagion falls and uploads the number of hospitalized, especially in the plant.

In the last 24 hours the contagions have fallen again, 2,731, 357 less than the previous day;
Although the number of diagnostic tests also continue to fall, which barely exceed ten thousand in the last day.

In hospitals, occupation increases slightly in UCI and, above all, on the plant, which increases at 737 the number of patients admitted by this disease, although the community keeps the occupation controlled, well below the average of Spain.

The Germany authorities have confirmed about 100,000 cases of Coronavirus in a day, at a time when the cumulative weekly incidence remains fired and exceeds 1,400 contagion for every 100,000 inhabitants.

The Robert Koch Institute, the Government Infectious Disease Control Institute, has indicated through its website that, during the last 24 hours, 95,267 positive and 49 dead have been detected, which raises the totals at 11,117,857 and 118,766, respectively

The number of cases is less than that of the last days, when more than 250,000 positives have been notified, although it is common for Monday data to be lower due to a decrease in the number of tests during the weekend.

The speed of propagation (RT) of the Coronavirus has fallen into Catalonia to 0.63 – hit 100 infected contagian at an average of 63 people – which is the lowest in the two years of pandemic, surpassing the 0.64 that is
He recorded on April 29, 2020, after the hard confinement of the first wave.

This reduction in virus transmission speed has caused 108,029 COVID cases in the last seven days, half of 15 days ago, although they still die in Catalonia 223 people by Covid a week, an average of 32 al

According to the data updated on Monday by the Department of Health, today there are 2,816 people entered by Covid in hospitals, 69 more than yesterday, of which 394, six less than the eve, are serious in the ICU, 286 of them intubated and
17 With ECMO (extracorporeal breathing), the same number of bass there were December 26.

Russia has registered almost half a million contagions by Coronavirus in the last three days, according to the latest data offered on Monday by health authorities.

In the last 24 hours in Russia, 171,905 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed, while on Sunday, 180,071 infections were reported and on Saturday, 177,282.

All in all, the number of deaths by Coronavirus continues down and stood on Monday in 609 people, compared to 661 deaths on Sunday.

The Ministry of Health and Autonomous Communities have agreed on Monday the withdrawal of the outdoor mask except in multitudinal events if there is no security distance, a measure that will definitely approve tomorrow in the Council of Ministers so that the next one may enter into force

The measure has been agreed upon with the endorsement of all communities except for the Basque Country, which has abstained, according to sources of the Interiorritorial Council of the National Health System.

In this way, and once you are published on Wednesday in the BOE, the mask, which became mandatory on the street at the end of December, will stop being it from Thursday, although it will be recommended to take it when there are agglomerations.

The cumulative incidence of the Coronavirus at fourteen days has dropped from 3,000 cases in Cantabria, after a month above that figure, until 2,966, while hospitalization has returned and another four deceased have been reported.

According to the data closed at midnight by the Cantabrian Health Service, 410 contagions have been recorded, 120 less than the previous day, the incidence of seven days to fallen 45 points up to 1,173 cases and the percentage of positive test has dropped to 39.5
, although these indicators continue at very high risk level.

In the hospitals of Cantabria there are 207 people entered with Covid, nine more than the previous day, with which the occupation of floor beds increases up to 12.7%.

The Ministry of Health and Autonomous Communities have agreed to increase the capacity of sports events from 75% to 85% in external enclosures and 50% to 75% if closed.

This has been informed sources of the Interiorritorial Council of the National Health System that has just completed and in which the Minister and Counselors have revised upwards the maximums of sporting events, including the Football League and the Basketball ACB.

The crashings of 75% and 50% were in force since January 26, when the interterritorial chose to extend these maximums and maintain the non-pharmacological protection measures as always, such as the use of mask or the ban on drinking, eating or
Smoking, before the boom of cases by omicron.

The Extraordinary Council of the National Health System has approved the end of outdoor masks, as well as expanding the capacity in sporting events.

Darias advanced it last Friday, just three days after Congress validated by the minimum controversial decree with which the government returned to impose its use on the street at the end of December.

The effectiveness of the measure was widely questioned by experts in epidemiology and public health, but it was still of the few agreed upon by the Conference of Presidents on December 22 to try to tackle the escalation of cases by the progress of omicron, as HA
Recorded repeatedly, the minister.

The mayor of Ottawa has declared “Emergency State” in the Canadian capital, considering that the situation in its city was “out of control”, paralyzed for more than a week by opponents to sanitary measures, while the police hardened
The tone against the protesters.

The protests, which began in Ottawa on Saturday 29, extended this weekend to other large Canadian cities while Sunday dozens of trucks and protesters kept paralyzed the center of the capital.

Mayor Jim Watson announced in the afternoon that he declared the state of emergency in Ottawa (Province of Ontario) “due to the current manifestation.”

The Ministry of Health and the Communities address this Monday the conditions in which the outdoor mask may be removed, a measure that the Government is intended to approve tomorrow at the meeting of the Council of Ministers so that the new standard is in force on Thursday.

Minister Carolina Darias has convened at 8 o’clock in the morning to the counselors to a new extraordinary meeting of the Extraordinary Council of the National Health System to finalize the details of the end of the outdoor mask.

Darias advanced it last Friday, just three days after Congress validated by the minimum controversial decree with which the government returned to impose its use on the street at the end of December.

After almost two years of closure by the pandemic of Covid-19, Australia will reopen from February 21, its international borders to tourists and all owners of visas having two doses of the coreavirus vaccine.

Australia, who currently faces an irruption crisis at the end of the year of the omicron variant that mainly affects the elderly residences and has caused low among essential workers, accumulates about 2.4 million infections of COVID-19, which includes
More than 4,250 deceased and more than 300,000 active cases

“The condition is that you have to have two doses of the vaccine to come to Australia, this is the rule and it is expected to obey it,” said this Monday at a press conference in Camberra, the Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
At the end of a cabinet meeting.

The Government of Australia has announced that it will deploy up to 1,700 soldiers to the elderly households to alleviate the crisis created by the firing of the contagions of Covid-19, which has killed more than 500 elders, caused low among caregivers and forced closing
of many homes.

Military teams will be divided into clinicians, which will be led by a registered nurse, general support to perform tasks such as cleaning, as well as logistics and planning in the elderly care sector.

“In each state or territory, teams from at least 50 people will begin to send up to a maximum of 200,” explained Prime Minister Scott Morrison, at a press conference in Cambberra at the end of a cabinet meeting.

A Chinese city of 3.5 million inhabitants near the border with Vietnam was quarantined on Monday after discovering more than 70 cases of Covid-19 in the last three days.

Local authorities of the city of Baise, in the southern region of Guangxi, announced on Sunday that the whole city would be confined, with residents of some districts without being able to leave the home and nobody can leave the city.

China, which follows a rigid policy of zero Covid-19, is maintained on alert by any sprout while the Beijing Olympic Games are performed.

“Transit controls will apply,” said the vicealcalde Gu Junyan by announcing the measure.
“In principle, vehicles and people will not be able to enter or leave the city,” he said.