Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – In the Frankfurt mayoral election in March 2023, the CDU is expected to run with its previous district chairman, Uwe Becker. The party executive unanimously voted in favor of his candidacy on Monday, said Becker. This still has to be approved by the district party conference on November 26th.

Becker announced that he wanted to offer a “workable program for the future of the city”. This included socio-political aspects as well as economic issues. In addition, it is a matter of tackling unresolved problems, such as the situation in the station district. “Frankfurt needs a leadership that does not look at itself, but at the interests of the city.” He wants to be a mayor for all Frankfurters, regardless of culture and origin or individual life plans.

The 53-year-old also announced that he would be relinquishing his position as district chairman with his candidacy. One reason is that he wants to build bridges with people who do not vote for the CDU. Group leader Nils Kößler is to become the new district chairman.

Becker was mayor of Frankfurt from 2016 to 2021. He also worked as city treasurer. In 2019, the Hessian state government appointed him commissioner for Jewish life and the fight against anti-Semitism in Hesse. He has been Hessian State Secretary for Federal and European Affairs since 2022. The trained bank clerk is married and the father of twins.

The incumbent Peter Feldmann (SPD), who is suspected of corruption, was voted out of office by a clear vote in a citizens’ initiative on Sunday. According to the proposal of the Frankfurt government coalition and the CDU, the upcoming mayoral election should take place on March 5th. The Frankfurt SPD wants to present a candidate proposal next Thursday. On November 19, the Frankfurt Greens want to discuss who will stand in for them.