Leipzig (dpa/sn) – In the coming year, the starting signal for the construction of the new natural history museum in Leipzig is to be given. Although talks about the required funding are still ongoing, the first construction measures could be brought forward, said Mayor Skadi Jennicke on Thursday in Leipzig. The total costs for the conversion of the former bowling club on the inner city ring would be estimated at 52.6 million euros. A gradual opening of the museum is planned from 2027.

At the beginning, the building, which was built in GDR times, will be dismantled down to its supporting structure, said museum director Ronny Maik Leder. “For example, we knock off tiles and get to know the building better bit by bit.” Large parts of the building, which is over 8,000 square meters in size, are located underground on four floors. According to Leder, the square in front of the octagonal entrance hall of the post-modern building will also be redesigned in the coming years.