Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s FDP parliamentary group leader Andreas Silbersack sees the energy price brake as a positive signal for people and companies, but wants to make it as superfluous as possible. “The aim now should be to stabilize energy prices by increasing supply so that a price cap through debt and redistribution will become superfluous in the future,” explained Silbersack on Thursday. It must be examined how domestic gas can be promoted. “Furthermore, pressure must be exerted on the federal government not to phase out nuclear power.”

Silbersack, who had been head of the state sports association for many years, also called for the concerns of sports clubs to be taken more into account. “Sports clubs play a key role in keeping our society together, but the energy crisis has pushed them to the limit of their resilience. We welcome the agreement to set up a hardship fund worth twelve billion euros to relieve those who are unable to contribute to energy and energy capable of cost savings.” Hospitals, care facilities or cultural institutions are mentioned as examples, but not sports clubs.