Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – In the trial for a life-threatening attack with a piece of broken glass, the verdict is expected today (12:00 p.m.) before the Frankfurt Regional Court. The public prosecutor’s office is demanding a prison sentence of six and a half years for the 29-year-old main defendant for attempted manslaughter and serious bodily harm. The woman’s co-accused partner (43) is to go to prison for two and a half years for dangerous bodily harm. In their closing speeches, the defense attorneys considered a maximum of three years for the accused and one year for her life partner to be sufficient. Because an intention to kill was not recognizable, only dangerous bodily harm came into consideration for both of them.

The incident happened in January last year in the victim’s apartment in Hattersheim (Main-Taunus district). The three people got into an argument after a drinking session because the hostess suddenly stopped pouring. While the accused left the apartment after a few punches against the 49-year-old, the partner attacked the victim with the shard of glass, which she thrust into the injured person’s left eye. According to the prosecutor’s plea, this happened with “conditional intent to kill,” and since then the victim has been blind in the left eye.

The couple has been on trial before the circuit court since early April. During the trial, the woman admitted attacking the victim with the broken glass. All three parties involved were heavily drunk, which the public prosecutor’s office believes did not lead to reduced criminal responsibility.