War, inflation, the energy crisis – none of this has done much harm to the job market in the southwest. Experts are not expecting a trend reversal in October either.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – Despite the tense economic situation, the number of unemployed in the southwest should have decreased in October according to experts. It is expected to be below the September value, but above the October 2021 level, according to the regional directorate of the Federal Employment Agency. She wants to publish exact data this morning (9.55 a.m.).

In September of this year, the number of unemployed fell slightly compared to August. Around 236,000 people were registered as unemployed, which corresponded to a rate of 3.7 percent. In October 2021, the rate was 3.5 percent. At that time, 221,700 people were without a job.

The demand for labor is at a high level, said regional director Christian Rauch in September. Economics Minister Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut did not expect a slump either – the labor market is proving to be robust despite the economic situation that has been worsening for months.