Two co-defendants of former US President Donald Trump in his alleged wrongful attempts to overturn the result of Georgia’s 2020 election surrendered to authorities in the southeastern US state on Tuesday, according to the prison administration.

Constitutional lawyer John Eastman and Scott Hall, respectively targeted by nine and seven counts, gave themselves up as prisoners on Tuesday, according to the website of the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, the state capital. Both have previously agreed with the authorities on the payment of a deposit.

In total, 10 of the 19 defendants had reached an agreement on Tuesday for the payment of bail, ranging from 10,000 to 200,000 dollars for Donald Trump, according to court documents.

Posting bail allows defendants to be released from pre-trial detention, provided they are not breaking any law, refraining from threats, and not communicating with each other or witnesses except through the intermediary of their lawyers.

“I am confident that, if the law is faithfully followed in this proceeding, all of my co-defendants and I will be completely cleared,” Mr. Eastman told reporters upon his release.

Asked if he still believed the 2020 election was “stolen” from Donald Trump for current Democratic President Joe Biden, he replied, “Absolutely.”

In the indictment in Georgia, as in the case brought to the federal level in Washington by special prosecutor Jack Smith, Mr. Eastman stands out for his unsuccessful efforts to get Vice President Mike Pence out of his role. purely ceremonial certification of the election by interfering with the proclamation of the winner.

Mr. Trump and the 18 other defendants have until noon Friday (4:00 p.m. GMT) to report to the Fulton County Court jail.

Donald Trump, the big favorite in the Republican primaries for the 2024 presidential election, indicated Monday evening that he would present himself to the county authorities on Thursday, attacking the passage once again to the “far left prosecutor” and denouncing a ” election interference”.

A grand jury (panel of citizens with investigative powers) appointed by County Attorney Fani Willis on August 14 indicted Mr. Trump and 18 others for their allegedly wrongful attempts to reverse the result. of the 2020 election won in this key state by current Democratic President Joe Biden.

They are prosecuted under a law on organized crime which provides for sentences of five to twenty years in prison.

Donald Trump is the subject of four criminal charges, two at the federal level, in Washington and Florida (southeast), one in New York State and one in Georgia.

22/08/2023 22:09:38 – Atlanta (United States) (AFP) – © 2023 AFP