The deposed president of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, does not intend to abandon his post or his country. In an open letter published on Tuesday August 22 in Le Figaro, his daughter assures us that he will not resign and that he is determined to “fight to safeguard democracy”. Zazia Bazoum Mohamed also calls for the release of her father, who has been held captive in the presidential palace since the coup d’etat on July 26, as well as the “restoration of constitutional order” in Niger.

In this letter, she recalls that her father was “democratically elected”, and that “he is the choice of the people”. She believes that he “knew how to mark the spirits positively, both nationally and internationally”. “He has made the fight against corruption and bad governance his main fight,” she continues, also highlighting progress on the economic front.

The soldiers who overthrew President Bazoum, elected in 2021, mainly justified their coup by the “deterioration of the security situation”. Arguments “totally fallacious” according to his daughter. “All the terrorist attacks denounced by the hostage takers took place before my father was president and, better still, all the hostage takers and their accomplices were already part of the system they denounce,” she writes.

Moreover, she points out, “Since they took my country hostage, we have witnessed with helplessness and sadness a disturbing increase in terrorist attacks: more than seven attacks in three weeks with many deaths”.

The way out of the crisis is difficult while the countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are demanding the reinstatement of Mohamed Bazoum in his functions and his immediate release, which the soldiers refuse. ECOWAS has waved the threat of military intervention, but favors the diplomatic route, without result so far.