Dresden (dpa/sn) – This year’s national day of mourning in Saxony is to be marked by the Ukraine war. In addition to a wreath-laying ceremony at the Dresden North Cemetery, a commemoration ceremony in the Saxon state parliament is also planned for November 13, the Volksbund Deutsche War Graves Commission announced on Sunday in Dresden. “When we commemorate the victims of war and violence on National Day of Mourning in November, we are doing so in the face of a war in Europe. Since the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war in February 2022, it has become clear again that war is still a means of politics. We see the horrors that war of old has brought upon countries and peoples are at hand.”

On the Day of Mourning, one does not only look at the German war dead, soldiers and civilians who lost their lives in the world wars, it said. Also look at those who are suffering from war, civil war and persecution today, be it in Ukraine, in Syria and worldwide. “But we also don’t forget those who experienced war, flight and expulsion and suffer from the consequences.”