Hagen (dpa / lnw) – The best 36 word artists competed – and Benjamin Poliak won the race at the North Rhine-Westphalian state championship in poetry slam. As the project management of the “NRW-Slam 2022” announced on Sunday, around 1000 spectators in Hagen voted the Essen native the winner.

“Concentrated verbal violence”, humorous poetry slaves and “performance ecstasy” were offered on stage. The only rules to be followed for the North Rhine-Westphalian championship were: The presented texts had to be written by the participants and a fixed time limit had to be observed.

On Friday, the 36 participants initially competed in four preliminary rounds. On Saturday, the grand finale was staged in the Stadttheater Hagen. The modern poetry competition – poetry slam – is officially recognized as an intangible UNESCO World Heritage Site.