Wiesbaden (dpa/lhe) – Hessen wants to enable more solar systems on listed buildings. For this reason, a guideline was issued for monument authorities that solar systems on or on listed buildings usually have to be approved, said the Minister for Science and Art, Angela Dorn (Greens), on Wednesday in the Hessian state parliament in Wiesbaden.

Only in the case of a significant impairment of the listed building will a rejection of a solar system be considered in the future. “Monument protection does not compete with climate protection, but is often synonymous when it comes to efficiency,” emphasized the Green politician.

The FDP parliamentary group introduced its own draft law in the state parliament to enable photovoltaics on listed buildings. The reason given by MP Stefan Naas was the uncertainty of the lower monument protection authorities as to whether and to what extent solar systems could be approved. This uncertainty would have to be eliminated in order to enable both owners of single-family homes and companies that operate in listed buildings to install a photovoltaic system.