The ECOWAS force is “ready to intervene” in Niger as soon as the leaders of West African countries give the order, said the commissioner for political affairs, peace and security of the regional organization, Abdel – Fatau Musah. “We are ready to intervene as soon as the order is given. The day of the intervention has also been fixed, “warned this official after a meeting of the chiefs of staff of the West African armies meeting since Thursday in Accra.

The latter decided on the modalities of a possible armed intervention as a last resort to restore elected President Mohamed Bazoum to power, dismissed since July 26 by the new military regime in Niamey. They also reaffirmed that ECOWAS always favors the path of dialogue.

The organization thus deemed “possible” a diplomatic mission to Niger on Saturday when previous delegations from the regional organization failed to meet General Tiani, the country’s new strongman. “We are ready to solve the problem peacefully, but it takes two to tango,” Mr. Musah said.

“Ready to give up the military option”

“We’re not going to be the ones knocking on the door as they slam it on us,” he added, however. If the military in Niger “wants to take the peaceful route to restore constitutional order very quickly, we are ready to give up the military option, because it is not our preferred option, but we are obliged to do so because of the regime’s intransigence,” he continued.

On the planned intervention, “all ECOWAS Member States present here today are committed to providing the elements, equipment and resources necessary to carry out this mission”, the official said. “We have agreed and worked out what will be needed for the response, what are the strategic objectives, the equipment needed and the commitment of member states,” he said.

All ECOWAS countries were represented at this meeting except Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau. As for Guinea, Mali and Burkina Faso, they have been suspended from the governing bodies of ECOWAS since they too have been led by putschist soldiers.