Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Interior Minister Tamara Zieschang (CDU) has criticized the results of the refugee summit with Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). “The refugee summit came too late and the result is disappointing,” said the CDU politician on Wednesday during the government survey in the state parliament of Saxony-Anhalt.

Zieschang complained that the provision of federal real estate to accommodate refugees would not help the municipalities in the short term. These would have to be prepared first, said Zieschang.

After a top-level meeting with representatives of the federal states and municipalities on Tuesday, Faeser announced that the federal government intends to make 56 additional federal properties available for the accommodation of 4,000 refugees. The Serbian government had asked Faeser to stop visa-free entry for nationals of many third countries, which had led to an increase in unauthorized entry into the EU.

The federal states had already pointed out in July that more refugees were coming again, said Zieschang. Apparently nothing has happened in the last few months.

Zieschang also criticized that financing issues were unresolved. Nothing was said on Tuesday about the federal government’s cost sharing. The two billion euros that the federal government made available in the spring would not be enough. According to the local authorities, around 28,200 war refugees from the Ukraine have been taken in directly in the administrative districts and urban districts in Saxony-Anhalt.