Send (dpa / lnw) – The farmers in Westphalia-Lippe draw a mixed harvest balance in 2022. The prolonged drought in spring and summer led to different yields, as the Westphalian-Lippische Landwirtschaftsverband (WLV) announced on Wednesday in Send. There were good to very good results with a plus of 10 to 15 percent for the grain types that were harvested up to August. Corn and grass, on the other hand, suffered drastic losses compared to the long-term average. In the case of grain maize, for example, there was a minus of 33 percent compared to 2021.

“After the pleasantly rainy previous year, our farming families again had to struggle with the consequences of long periods without precipitation in 2022. Overall, there was far too little rain, so that our groundwater reservoirs are not filled in many places. This is increasingly important to us in agriculture,” said WLV -President Hubertus Beringmeier at the harvest balance. On the other hand, the sunny summer also had its advantages. With often ideal conditions, the harvest could be brought in dry and of good quality.