Magdeburg (dpa/sa) – Saxony-Anhalt’s Finance Minister Michael Richter (CDU) wants to wait with a decision on a possible extension of the deadline for the property tax return. A spokeswoman for Richter said on Wednesday on request. The issue of extending the deadline is to be discussed at a conference of finance ministers on October 13.

Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) had shown himself open to extending the deadline. The deadline for submissions is the end of October. It is not based on a federal regulation, but on determinations made by the federal states. A large proportion of property owners have not yet submitted a declaration.

From 2025, a new property tax calculation will apply. To do this, almost 36 million properties in Germany have to be revalued. This is done on the basis of information that all owners must submit – the tax authorities have been receiving the data since July 1st.