Bismark (dpa/sa) – A new pair of wolves has settled in the Altmark near Bismark. The State Office for Environmental Protection (LAU) announced on Wednesday that there had been increasing evidence of wolf activity in the area since 2021. Now the new couple has been confirmed by the wolf competence center based on photos from wildlife cameras and other information. Among other things, individual sightings as well as wild animal cracks and trace finds were reported.

Because wolves are active at dusk and at night, encounters with humans are rather rare, according to the LAU. According to the Ministry of the Environment in Saxony-Anhalt, the number of registered wolves has recently increased to around 150 specimens. The State Office for Environmental Protection recorded a total of 22 packs and 3 pairs of wolves in a report for May 2020 to April 2021. Two new packs were added during this period in Zerbst (Anhalt-Bitterfeld district) and in the Mechau-Riebau area (Altmark district of Salzwedel).