Schwerin (dpa / mv) – A slump in orders in construction and sharply increased costs are causing existential fears in the industry. In July, sales in residential construction were 52.2 percent below the level of the same month last year, the Mecklenburg-Western Pomeranian building association announced on Wednesday. Orders for new apartments fell by 13.5 percent. Housing associations are reluctant and home builders are giving back their reserved plots because they don’t know whether they can still afford their dream house in view of inflation.

Association President Thomas Maync called for an immediate program for the construction industry. Together with the building guilds, the association turned to the members of the state parliament and the Bundestag from MV. What is needed is cheaper commercial diesel. There must be price escalation clauses for all public contracts in order to be able to pass on price increases. The public sector must constantly invest – “now more than ever”. Procurement law must be simplified, energy prices must be capped and the commuter allowance increased.