Essen (dpa / lnw) – At the beginning of the new week, people in North Rhine-Westphalia can look forward to clear, sometimes sunny weather. Monday begins cloudy at first, but the high pressure increases during the day and provides sunshine, especially in the south of the country, a spokesman for the German Weather Service (DWD) said on Sunday. According to the DWD, the temperatures are between 14 and 18 degrees with a weak to moderate wind and 13 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Tuesday it will continue to be clear to cloudy. The sun is spreading, the spokesman said. It’s not supposed to rain on Tuesday either. The thermometer meanwhile rises to 17 to 20 degrees with weak winds. According to the spokesman, Wednesday in North Rhine-Westphalia will then be “a classic transition day”: it will remain cloudy to clear and mostly free of precipitation. In the afternoon the temperatures rise to 20 to 24 degrees. According to the DWD, there is also a moderate, fresh wind with some strong gusts. It’s supposed to rain on Thursday night.