Freiburg (dpa/lsw) – Heavy tree trunks, rootstocks and thick granite stones: With visible changes in the Freiburg Dreisam, experts want to ensure the survival of fish in dry phases. The aim is to create deep places in the river into which fish species such as brown trout or grayling can retreat when the water is low. As the regional council announced on Friday, the construction work over a length of about 400 meters in the Freiburg city area should be completed by the end of next week.

The comparatively high water temperatures in other bodies of water in the country also cause problems for fish. The Dreisam flows through Freiburg and feeds the characteristic “Bächle” of the old town.

The pilot project was reportedly launched in the spring. The idea of ​​so-called cold water pools, i.e. deepened areas in the body of water due to changes in the flow, came from Switzerland.

The Landesbetrieb Waters in the regional council of Freiburg bear the costs of around 30,000 euros. The Freiburg fishing club is involved in the project with around 2,000 euros.