Nuremberg (dpa / lby) – The auto supplier Vitesco is cutting up to two-thirds of the jobs at its Nuremberg plant. The supervisory board approved the corresponding “future concept” on Tuesday, as announced by the Regensburg group. According to this, up to 810 of the 1160 jobs so far will be lost by 2026. The chairman of the supervisory board, Siegfried Wolf, and his deputy, Ralf Schamel, from IG Metall spoke of “very painful” cuts. “Without the concept that has now been approved, the consequences would have been much more drastic in the medium and long term.” Vitesco assured that the job cuts should be implemented as socially acceptable as possible.

The company argued that the Nuremberg plant would be competitive in the long term with the new concept. “So production will remain in Germany.” The number of employees will be kept at a minimum level of 350 or more by locating future technologies in the plant. More than ten million euros in investments are planned for the next few years.

Bavaria’s Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) called for timely further qualifications and new job offers for those affected. In addition, Vitesco should quickly implement the announced consolidation and settle future technologies quickly. The ministry will support the realignment to the best of its ability. “We have been in contact with Vitesco for a long time about this.”