Frankfurt/Marburg (dpa/lhe) – Four men have been arrested in Hesse for suspected cannabis cultivation and trading. As the Hessian State Criminal Police Office (LKA) and other investigative authorities announced on Tuesday, the men aged 44, 47 and 50 are said to be members of a gang. This is suspected of having operated professional marijuana plantations in Dautphetal in the Marburg-Biedenkopf district and in Hünfelden-Kirberg in the Limburg-Weilburg district.

According to the LKA, investigations into the case have been ongoing since May of this year. At the end of August, the investigators finally managed to enter both plantations and arrest three of the four suspects. According to the State Criminal Police Office, the investigators found about 55 kilograms of marijuana packed in more than a dozen garbage bags and 50 bags of cannabis trimmings during the subsequent searches. The alleged head of the group was arrested in his apartment in Frankfurt am Main that same evening. The suspects are now in custody.