The state government is campaigning for a third federal relief package and is willing to contribute financially. Prime Minister Wüst made that clear in the state parliament on Wednesday. That’s not enough for the opposition. This will be discussed on Thursday.

Dusseldorf (dpa / lnw) – One day after his government statement, Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) must again expect heavy criticism from the opposition in the state parliament on Thursday. The first item on the agenda is a four-and-a-half-hour debate on Wednesday’s government statement. The CDU politician had again called for a third relief package from the federal government. For people with low and medium incomes, pensioners, trainees or Hartz IV recipients, the load limit has already been exceeded. He explained that NRW is prepared to support the relief for the population and the economy.

The faction leaders of the SPD and FDP sharply criticized Wüst in communications on Wednesday. Thomas Kutschaty from the SPD accused the head of government of not being specific about people’s concerns about inflation and the energy crisis and of wanting to shift responsibility to the federal government. Henning Höne from the FDP explained that the prime minister was speaking past people’s concerns. During the state parliament debate on Wednesday, speakers from the opposition of the black-green state government accused the state government of not having made any proposals to deal with the energy crisis and its consequences.

On the agenda of the state parliament is, among other things, a motion by the SPD, which calls for a relief package for the state. Among other things, the state government should issue energy vouchers for direct payment of electricity and gas bills. The SPD proposes an emergency fund for people who are threatened with an electricity or gas blackout. The SPD also demands free lunches in day care centers and schools.