Dresden (dpa/sn) – In view of the rapidly increasing energy prices, the Saxon government invited to an energy summit on Thursday (2 p.m.). According to reports, around 50 representatives from municipalities, regional suppliers and public utilities, the energy exchange as well as from welfare associations, trade unions and the employers’ association will take part. Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) dampened hopes of concrete decisions, for example to set up a separate Saxon hardship fund. Such is demanded by the SPD and the left.

Nevertheless, the expectations for the summit are high. The left called on the state government on Wednesday not to wait for decisions from Berlin, but to act themselves. The AfD criticized the summit. She considers the meeting to be a “superfluous PR event” and recommended the solution to the problems, opening the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea and continuing to operate all nuclear power plants without a phase-out date.