Weimar (dpa/th) – The Thuringian Hiking Association presented the program for the 30th Thuringian Hiking Day in Weimar. As Association President Christine Lieberknecht explained on Wednesday, the motto of the event on September 25 in Weimar is “Nature meets culture – hiking between classic and modern”. A total of 15 hiking tours with 15 to 100 participants, depending on the tour, would be offered.

The spectrum ranges from a city tour in Weimar to a 12-kilometer hike in the south of the city. The themed tours include the hike “Lyonel Feininger on the road in the Weimarer Land”, which deals with the German-American painter (1871 – 1956), who spent 30 years in Weimar on and off for work and study. It also goes to “Bridges and Springs on the Ilm” or “Paths of Lotte from Weimar”.

In addition, on Wednesday the mayor of Suhl, André Knapp (CDU), as the organizer of the 29th Thuringian Hiking Day, handed over the symbolic hiking shoe of the hiking association to his colleague Peter Kleine (independent). He will pass it on to a representative of the Harztor municipality in the southern Harz region, which will be the organizer of the 31st Thuringian Hiking Day.