Frankfurt / Main (dpa / lhe) – This Thursday (12.00 p.m.) the city of Frankfurt will present the new city clerk of Bergen-Enkheim, Marion Poschmann. The jury of the literature prize announced the choice of the author at the end of June. On Thursday, a member of the jury will also present the program of the town writers’ festival, as the town announced. At the festival, the acting town clerk Dorothee Elmiger symbolically handed over the key to the town clerk’s house to her successor.

The Stadtschreiberpreis was awarded in 1974 as the first of its kind in the German-speaking world. There are now similar prices in other cities. The name comes from the Frankfurt district of Bergen-Enkheim, which was incorporated into Frankfurt in 1977. Poschmann receives prize money of 20,000 euros and the right to live in the small house “An der Oberpforte 4” for one year.