Natural pesticide remover, bicycle accessories from the home 3D printer and two lions that attack as a duo from now on: The first episode of the new season of “The Lion’s Den” sets the entertainment bar high.

The beginning of the twelfth season of “The Lion’s Den” comes up with an innovation that makes four out of six predators look a little excited and envious to the left. Where Ralf Dümmel used to sit, there is a cozy white two-seater couch on which the retail professional from Hamburg and media mogul Georg Kofler make themselves comfortable.

Those familiar with the scene know that the two investors merged their companies a few months ago. Georg Kofler and Ralf Dümmel are now acting as a team for the first time. In addition to some pithy “Muppets Show” sayings, beauty queen Judith Williams puts it in a nutshell with slightly contracted eyebrows: “My new nickname for you is Double Trouble!” Says the lioness.

The new lion duo does not need much warm-up time to get up to operating temperature. After a brilliant initial deal by Carsten Maschmeyer, who secures the future services of the three credit card revolution leaders Lukas Schmitz, Bernhard Wernberger and Steffen Kirilmaz from Cologne (“PAGOPACE”), as well as the refreshing but ultimately unsuccessful appearance of comedy Newcomer and Falafal expert Amjad Abu Hamid from Bremen (“Mamas Falafelteig”) Goerg Kofler and Ralf Dümmel go on the offensive when pitched by “Lemonist” couple Kathrin Alfen and Felix Strohmaier from Aachen.

With their natural pesticide remover granules, the two eco-tinkerers hit the mark. “You are authentic and honest,” praises Ralf Dümmel to those responsible for “Lemonist”. A short round of negotiations later (Dümmel and Kofler secured 25 instead of the offered 15 percent of the company shares) they finally flicker through German living rooms again: the clenched fists of Regale-King Ralf Dümmel.

But the new format dream couple has not had enough. During the appearance of the committed plastic waste allergy sufferer Steffanie Rainer from Untergruppenbach (“WITHOUTme”), who unfortunately went empty-handed with her refill station for the retail trade, Georg Kofler held back (“That’s a big idea, which unfortunately is taking off too slowly and too expensive to realize”). One commercial block later, however, the media mogul from Tyrol and his Hanseatic business partner are rubbing their hands again in anticipation.

At the end of the first episode, a 17-year-old high school graduate from Berlin really blossoms. While other children were busy with building blocks and drawing pads, Aaron Holzhäuer ran through his parents’ living room with his father’s cordless screwdriver at a young age. In the meantime, the talented inventor has become a gifted inventor who wants to revolutionize the two-wheeler accessories market with his “BeeSafe” bicycle storage box, which he created with his own 3D printer.

“You’re just awesome!” Judith Williams cheers. The other lions present also got wide eyes at the presentation of the multifunctional box (the lid has an integrated solar module with power bank and USB connections, and can also be used as a luggage rack). In the end, all lions are in the deal boat. It gets particularly tight on the far left, because Carsten Maschmeyer has now also taken a seat between Georg Kofler and Ralf Dümmel.

With three times the bite force, the other lions don’t stand a chance. In the obligatory mode of reflection, the young founder briefly ponders again. But in the end there is no way around Carsten Maschmeyer, Ralf Dümmel and Georg Kofler. The latter two secure their first deal double pack. There are already rumors that there will be a few more to come.