After what feels like an eternity, it becomes too much even for Jauch. “I’m not looking for the woman for life,” he warns the candidate, who doesn’t come to Potte. “Unless you have other ambitions.” After that, Scary Spice and the Prater cause two crashes.

Günther Jauch almost seems to have planned the crash that came to him on Monday evening on RTL (also available on RTL). “If you go home with 500 euros, then the people behind the scenes do it like this …” said the “Who wants to be a millionaire?” moderator and raised his arms: “We got off cheaply. We’re happy always.” The small demotivational speech was overhang candidate Jara Uloth from Hanover. She hesitated with the correct answer that stick insects are insects. Finally, the student gambled (“I have to do it”) and Jauch praised: “It wasn’t bad.” But then a patience marathon followed for him.

Uloth stayed a full ten minutes with the question for 64,000 euros. It read: “Should the time change be abolished and permanently switched to summer time, will there be something in Germany for the first time?” The possible answers were: sunrise at 9:45 am, sunset at 10:00 pm, sunrise at 4:30 am, sunset at 4:00 pm.

The candidate thought extensively with limited insight. After a few minutes, Uloth noticed with a view to daylight saving time: “It gets light earlier in the morning.” At some point, Jauch was no longer behind the mountain with his impatience. “Now you’re putting pressure on me so that I should let others do it too,” complained the student. “No, I’m putting pressure on you not to remain the only candidate in this chair until the end of my days,” Jauch corrected brusquely. The RTL moderator was unusually clear: “I’m not looking for the woman for life, unless you have other ambitions.”

Uloth had the right instinct with her tendency to answer “sunrise at 9:45 am”. In the end, however, she didn’t dare to follow her gut feeling to the end and got out. The candidate no longer had a joker either. The next two candidates, on the other hand, started their journey home with jokers and only 500 euros each. Steffi Heidel from Altenburg in Thuringia already failed with the 4000 euro question and also with the audience in the studio. That should help the clerk at the fire department to find out what the fifth Spice Girl was called.

The defaults were Posh, Ginger, Baby and Sporty Spice. Jauch wanted to know: was the last member of the girl group called Glamour, Sugar, Scary or Brown Spice? Heidel asked the audience. Oddly enough, 51 percent voted for Sugar Spice. Not even one in three (32 percent) pressed “Scary” for the correct answer. Heidel trusted the majority and dropped to the lowest level of security. “This shows that the Cologne audience can also be wrong,” stated Jauch. “Look at these concerned faces.”

Heidel took the early departure with composure. “I’m not angry,” she comforted the studio guests. “We’re on vacation in Cologne for a week. The hotel paid for it. Everything’s fine,” she said and was greeted with thunderous applause. Dustin Rypa from Hamburg, on the other hand, was visibly kinked afterwards. For the 24-year-old data manager, the end came when the 16,000 euro question came up. He had no idea whether the amusement park in Vienna’s Prater was called the Wurstelprater or the Zuckerlprater. These two possible answers stopped after the 50:50 joker.

The man from Hamburg did without the last phone joker and just tried his luck. “I’m here once and going home with 8000 or calling someone else, I don’t think it gets me anywhere,” said Rypa. He chose the sugar and crashed. The depressed hoodie wearer Jauch was already sorry for something. “Was it an experience that’s still okay for you?” the moderator asked, but was met with silence. “I know you imagine more, so you didn’t embarrass yourself here,” Jauch tried to console.

The fourth candidate of this edition of “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?” was accordingly forewarned. With her, however, a reputation is at stake in a special way. Fabienne Marco from Munich already has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and politics. Now she is writing her doctoral thesis in computer science. “You know what the problem with three and a half degrees is? It’s very embarrassing to fall on your face,” said the research associate. At least on Monday she was spared a fiasco. Marco returns next week with the €8000 question.