Halle (dpa/sa) – In Saxony-Anhalt around 120 million euros were spent on social services in 2021. That was 12 million euros or around 11 percent more than in the previous year, as announced by the State Statistical Office in Halle on Tuesday. According to the information, care made up the largest share of social spending in 2021 at 76 million euros (63 percent). Compared to 2020, that was eleven million euros or 16 percent more social benefits in this area, especially for inpatient care. Who is entitled to social benefits and in what form is regulated in Germany by the Twelfth Social Code (SGB XII).

Expenditure on subsistence allowances in Saxony-Anhalt amounted to almost 31 million euros in 2021. That was around 25 percent of the total expenditure and at the same time an increase of 8.6 percent or two million euros more compared to 2020. One reason for this was, among other things, the payment of one-off aid in connection with the corona pandemic, as a spokeswoman for the state office announced .

The state’s public authorities paid a good eight million euros in 2021 to take over the treatment of the sick and other health aids. This also included preventive healthcare and family planning assistance. Compared to the previous year, a total of around one million euros or around eleven percent less was paid for social benefits.

Around five million euros were granted in 2021 for help to overcome particular social difficulties and help in other situations. This includes, in particular, help for the blind, payment of funeral expenses and help with running the household. This assistance was at the level of previous years.