He is probably the best-known sports physician and orthopaedist in Germany, Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Müller-Wohlfahrt. As a long-standing team doctor at FC Bayern Munich, he made a name for himself and stars from all over looked for his advice. He has already looked after patients such as Wladimir Klitschko, Usain Bolt and Fabian Hambüchen. Now, on August 12th, Müller-Wohlfahrt has a milestone birthday and spoke to the “Bild” newspaper about the secret ingredients for a long and healthy life.

Even at almost 80 years of age, Müller-Wohlfahrt feels completely comfortable in his own skin and has no symptoms. In order to achieve this goal, he always stayed on the ball and continuously followed his sports program. One of the doctor’s secrets is that as a human being, you should remain active at any age. His personal fitness tip: “The emphasis is not on how much – but on regularly. So don’t just run through the forest when the weather is nice. You only get a benefit from it if you do it regularly. I run around 45 two to three times a week Minutes. Jogging pace first, then escalating runs.”

So it’s not about exhausting yourself completely, only the constant is important according to the doctor. Müller-Wohlfahrt also considers the well-known advice that it is best to walk 10,000 steps a day to be “a myth”, i.e. an untruth. The former team doctor finds 7,500 sufficient. In general, Müller-Wohlfahrt is not a fan of classic equipment training and rather advises working with your own body weight to strengthen your muscles.

The doctor, who is still practicing, does not see eating meat as one of the greatest health risks in life, which he still does once a week. He also doesn’t demonize the consumption of alcohol or tobacco in the interview, but rather sitting down. In an interview he said: “Sitting puts a strain on the spine and the lower loin, especially the intervertebral disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebrae. Sitting has become a widespread disease, just as dangerous as smoking. It has been proven that people who sit a lot , i.e. up to nine hours a day, have a shorter life expectancy. I am on the move all day. And if you have an office job, you can also stand with a height-adjustable desk. That is also a good measure. Or every 45 minutes take a short break.”

The almost 80-year-old thinks nothing of cosmetic surgery, just as little of changing his hairstyle after decades, which he also made clear to the journalist. When asked: “Wouldn’t your 80th birthday be a good reason to have your hair cut shorter?”, Müller-Wohlfahrt replies: “I’ve been wearing my hair a little longer since I was a student. A lot of people think it’s quite good. They mean, it would suit me.”

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