The outdoor pool season is here – and therefore a very strong warns of the dangers for the little ones.

Actor Ralf Moeller (63), who became world famous as the muscular swordsman in the blockbuster “Gladiator”, appeals to parents not to take their eyes off their children for a second when they are not yet able to swim safely.

Moeller is a qualified swimming instructor

“If you pick up the phone or if you have a conversation: That can be silent death,” said Moeller of the German Press Agency. “They don’t always call – as we know it from the films – “Help, help, help!””. Instead, small children are sometimes “suddenly gone”. That goes very quickly.

Moeller is familiar with the subject. Before his acting career, he completed training as a swimming champion and swimming teacher in his hometown of Recklinghausen – and is still committed to solid swimming training today. This year, too, there have already been several deaths in swimming accidents in Germany.

It is important to teach children how to swim properly at an early age, said Moeller. “Dog scratch” is not enough. They would have to be introduced to the water early on.

The lifeguard’s job is varied, but not exactly easy when the thermometer shows 30 degrees. Then a bath fills up very quickly. “In some cases you can hardly see any water. You only see heads,” reported Moeller.