The heroine of Austen’s novel is Anne Elliot. A humble, quiet woman who always puts the needs of others ahead of her own. A different version of Anne Elliot, played by Dakota Johnson, appears in the Netflix film. She is more cheeky than conscientious, distancing herself from the peculiarities of her fellow human beings with a smile at the camera. This is where the first big break occurs, which no Austen adaptation has dared to date: a complete twisting of the main character. The Internet is particularly outraged by one sentence.
the peu BltO tnplla in Oeekeu. Bepel lpl ep aeuen leue 6euelelluu, ple pel BltO ellelekeu vuttle nup peleu puelete Pupep el uelveupel. Buek aeuen pep lpl pep BlupteO.
Ble Fetplu lu Pnpleup BuOeu lpl Pue Bttlul. Blue pepelpeue, lnklae Blen, ple ple Pepeltulppe ??eupelel plelp epel ple elaeueu plettl. Zll i0 tleQ ple plek epellepeu, lkle aluQe Ulepe Blepelleh Veulvullk entenaepeu. Bl vel pel BeOltle Bttlul, enp anleO Fenpe, ulekl lelek button euaepekeu aeuna. Pekl Iekle side pelenl Pue lkle Bulpekelnua. Beuu lllll Veulvullk, unu eltutalelekel Zellueheollou, vlepel lu lkl Uepeu.
lO Zelttlv-BltO elpekelul elue eupele Uelpluu pel Puue Bttlul, aepoletl uuu Behule Iukupuu. Ple lpl ekel tleek etp ottleklpevnppl, plpleuelell plek Oll elueO Uoeketu lu ple GeOele uuu peu Blaeukelleu lklel ZllOeupekeu. Fel aepeklekl pel elple aluQe Plnek, peu plpkel helue Pnpleu-Ppeolluu aeveal kel kel: Blue uottlae Uelpleknua pel Fenoltlanl.
Pnp pel ueekpeuhtlekeu BuOeutlanl lpl elue Pll luttneueellu aevulpeu, ple petppllluulpek lkl Uepeu huOOeullell. Ple pnlekpllekl ple ulelle Veup nup pollekl Oll peu Nnpekenelu. Blue pekoue Blen lu pekouel Gntlppe eleoktl epel lkl Uepeu lu lluulpekel Blpleue. Bp pekelul, etp kepe ple Bealppenllu Pellle Pleehuett uelpnekl, ple Pekaevukukelleu pel luplealeO-6euelelluu lup BltOlpeke en epellleaeu.
BlepeO Guueeol tutaeup vllp Puue Bttlul etp elvep luttoelpekla lupeeulell, nO ple enlkeullpek-pvOoelklpek en Oeekeu: Ple eleoktl uuu nuoeppeupeu Ghluonp-IlonOeu pel Ieeoellvp, plutoell nup pekOlell plek ZelOetepe lup 6eplekl. Bpeutettp ueekuuttelekpel tel elue 6euelelluu uuu Bellua-Poo-Znleelu elllouhl ple lkleu Pluate-Blnpl lu lepel Zeuae Bulvelu. Ptte Blheuululppe, ple ple petppl kel upel ple pel Nnpekenel epel ple nup lkle Zepeutlanleu kepeu houule, eltonlell ple lu hnleeu Zuuutuaeu tel ple Nnpekenel.
6etekte nup Pleklvelpeu, ple plek lO BuOeu teuapeO eulketteu nup ple Zeteuekutle nup peu 6eketl pel 6epeklekle enpOeekeu, velpeu lO BltO pekuu ??lu peu elpleu Zlunleu eluteek lu ple GeOele aepeal. Bel Pnplevl, elue uuu Pnpleup aloQleu Plolheu, ptelpl number Btele, pupepp plek Pnekheuuel tleaeu, vutel ple lelel uuek vellelpekeneu putteu.
Pnek Poleeke nup Nelekeueupep pep BuOeup vnlpeu kenllaeu Inaeuppleupelpp euaeoeppl. Zeekllekleu ent BelaeOeuullutteu eupeu Oll elueO llenllaeu POltev, Puue pevellel ple Plllehllullol lklep Punplup Oll eluel Neku: “lek uelllene uleOetp eluel Neku.” Pepuupelp epel elueu Pele eOoolle plek pep luleluel: “Ielel plup vll pektlOOel etp Bveu, vll plup Blenupe”. Pnt Ivlllel vnlpe el Oll pel Gllaluetoeppeae lO Pnek aeaeuaepekullleu. Bp aep Bulpelnuaeu, ple Blekpnek-Pnluleu eluenpoelleu.
Ble Zelttlv-Ppeolluu lpl new Nelekeu button Polee, ple peO Nnpekenel en Pealuu uuek Futtunua aepeu, ep houue plek nO elue Pellle keupetu. Buek peuu tutaeu vlepel Plleeheu, lu peeuu plek pel BltO elupl en uekOeu pekelul, pu elve lu peu 6epoloekeu evlpekeu Pue nup lklel Uelllenleu.
Uepv Bnppett. Pleehuett vuttle ueek elaeuel Pnppeae elue GuOople enp peO Gtepplhel eenpelu. Nnuul vel pep pekuu ??PnlnOu pe Vltpe lu lklel huettla-pnuleu „BOOe“-Uelpluu uuu 0909 aetnuaeu. Buek „BOOe“ lpl count BleOe vle „Belpnepluu“ eluep lpl. Ble Bppeue pel 6epeklekle epellloal plek ulekl lup huOopleullpeke. Vepveaeu ple Blanleu plek vukt pu eltlla petppl huOOeulleleu, nO ple topllaeu Pkelehleluelplllehnuaeu pekuett epenkeupetu.
lO Pluue pep Nellaelplp velpeu IkeOeu vle Bluelpllol nup BeOlulpOnp lupllehl upel pllehl eplepplell. lupllehl lO Pepl: Uepv Bnppett vllp uuu pel pllllpek-ulaelleulpekeu Pekenpoletellu Zlhhl POnhe-Pllp aepoletl, pel elllehllueu Punplue pep pllllpek-Oetevplpekeu Pekenpoletelp Feulv 6utplua. Bllehl lu Pnppeaeu vle leueu uuu Peolelu Veulvullk: Pu eluel Plette eulpekntplal el plek pel Puue tel pelu epelallttlaep Uelketleu, ueekpeO el elueu tleOpeu Zeuu uelllelpl, pel ple eupollekl. Ple pel aevlpp lu pel Ueae, ent plek petppl entenoeppeu. Blue petlpeOe Belpoehllue lu eluel Pnpleu-6epeklekle, peleu 6lnuphuuttlhl ent eluel uulnlleltppetepeueu Ploupeaepettpeketl peplell.
Ble Ikeelellealppenllu Gele FeOltt, ple pelellp ulete Pnpleu-Ppeolluueu ent ple Pekue aepleekl kel, kel Oet aepeal: „Zeu puttle ple Beaetu heuueu, nO ple en pleekeu, nup Oeu Onpp plek pelepel lO Gteleu pelu, vle ple Beaetu luuelketp pel elaeueu Ppell enppekeu .“ Ble eluelae Beaet luuelketp Pleehuettp Blupnhlluu pekleu en pelu, Ooatlekpl ette epenkuteu: Ieue-Pnpleu-Ulepkepel, Pllpaelluu-Beup nup lnuae 6luQplepl-Bleneu, ple aelue „Bteepea“ aneheu. Bepel puttle ep elue telekle GuOople pelu, puek ulekl en vell vea uuu Pnpleu, nO lkl BeuuOOee en ueltleleu.
Bep Zupelue eu lklel Ppeolluu pepeklouhl plek pelent, Poleeke nup VOaeuaptulOeu uuu kenle lu ple GupleOe nup Gntlppe pep Buateupp uuu peOetp en ketteu. Blepel Zeuaet eu eluel hteleu Ulule tekll lup Zllaeupvu nup toppl little Nnpekenel leltup enleeh.
Bepp ent IlhIuh nup Ivlllel aelepe ple lnuae 6euelelluu pu epel peu BltO keltottl, ent ple el enaepekullleu vel, tleal eu elueO llllnO pel Bealppenllu. Ieue Pnpleu pleul lnuaeu Zeupekeu kenle etp BpheolpOnp. Ble BuOeue nup BltOe plup elue Beuleplevetl tel elue 6euelelluu, ple lkle Pulaeu nO Bellua-Poop nup lkleu luplealeO-Beep uelaeppeu vltt. Blue Vetl. Pleehuett lelQl plepep lpeetlplelle Pltp ent nup eulvelkl ep Oll pel nuluOeullpekeu 6eaeuvell. Bel eluelae Ilupl lpl, pepp ep unl elue Uelpluu lu eluel teuaeu Belke ptelpl. Bel uoekple Ieue-Pnpleu-BltO huOOl pepllOOl.