The mercury is climbing and has even broken records in some places in France and Europe. Overwhelming heat, sometimes hard to live with. And not everyone can take refuge in the cool… So here are some tips, relayed by TF1 Info, which will allow you to lower the temperature by a few degrees at home and better endure this summer.

Some small gestures are simple, and yet could change your life: keep your windows closed during the day, lower the blinds and shutters, and open everything wide at night until the early morning. The air – cooler at night – will circulate and cool your rooms. Closing your windows and blinds early will keep things cool.

Another way to bring in humidity and therefore better withstand the heat, hang your laundry inside. On the contrary, household appliances are likely to raise the degrees. So avoid using your oven of course, but also the TV and computers, which will heat up the room. If possible, replace your light bulbs with LEDs to also avoid an additional source of heat.

If you have the means and you know how to tinker, you can also tackle the insulation of your home, which will allow you to better retain the heat during the winter and the coolness during the summer. If you have the right, you can also do as in hot countries, and repaint your exteriors in light colors to prevent your facades from capturing and retaining heat.