Halle/Leipzig (dpa/sa) – The natural gas deliveries through Nord Stream 1, which have restarted after maintenance work, create more planning security for the gas supply. However, it was assumed that gas would continue to be delivered through the important Baltic Sea pipeline, said a spokesman for Ontras Gastransport GmbH on Thursday. From a technical point of view, there was little sign of a halt.

The company’s gas storage facilities are currently about 85 percent full. But he cannot foresee what will happen in winter, the spokesman said. “That would be too early for speculation.” But it still makes sense to save gas quantities. “It helps us cushion tense situations,” he said. In addition, the suppliers have now prepared themselves well for extreme situations and, in an emergency, can set the course to optimally shape the supply situation for as long as necessary. “But we can’t do magic either.”

According to Ontras Gastransport GmbH, it operates the 7,700-kilometer long-distance network in eastern Germany and is responsible for the transport of gaseous energy. The supply area extends from the Baltic Sea to Saxony.

Most recently, it was feared that after the ten-day maintenance of Nord Stream 1, Moscow could completely allow the gas tap and thus further exacerbate the energy crisis. Following sanctions against Russia as a result of the Ukraine war, several European countries had received less natural gas or, in some cases, no natural gas at all.