Heringsdorf (dpa / mv) – Caterpillars of the dangerous pine processionary moth have been found on a playground in Heringsdorf (Vorpommern-Greifswald district). The animals used the sandy soil to burrow and pupate there. “As with other processionary moths, the poisonous stinging hairs of the caterpillars can trigger an itchy and burning skin rash when touched,” said the director of the State Office for Agriculture, Food Safety and Fisheries, Stephan Goltermann, on Thursday in Rostock.

Sensitive people can also react with dizziness, bronchitis-like attacks or an allergic shock. “In the event of an allergic reaction, a doctor should be consulted immediately,” said Goltermann.

The fully grown caterpillars are up to six centimeters long and can be recognized by their light to white stinging hairs. While the moths hatch and fly away, the stinging hairs remain in the sand and may continue to pose a danger. “Therefore, please stay away from the currently closed areas,” said Goltermann. Anyone who sees hairy caterpillars should report this to the local authorities.