Schwerin (dpa / mv) – The AfD parliamentary group in the Schwerin state parliament sees the planned liquid gas terminals in Lubmin in Western Pomerania as a danger to tourism there. “Lubmin and our beaches on the Baltic Sea live in an existential relationship with and from tourism. Gigantic liquid gas tankers and landing terminals are really not eye-catchers and urgently disturb our beautiful Baltic Sea panorama, which must be preserved,” said the spokesman for tourism for the parliamentary group, Paul-Joachim Timm, on Wednesday in Schwerin.

Instead, the AfD referred to the industrial port in Swinemünde, Poland, where there is already an LNG terminal. “A German-Polish solution would be far more prudent, i.e. connecting and expanding a pipeline from Świnoujście to the Lubmin distribution network that exists through Nord Stream 2,” said the AfD politician.