Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul (CDU) is appealing to the population before the hot days ahead to prevent forest fires – and, if necessary, to actively fight them. “Anyone who recognizes a fire should try to extinguish it – without endangering themselves and at least call the fire brigade immediately. Looking away and inaction are – in the truest sense of the word – extremely dangerous,” said Reul of the German Press Agency.

With regard to other federal states such as Brandenburg, Reul said that people there had only recently experienced “what this heat can do.” The minister added: “Anyone who is attentive can help to protect themselves and those around them: You should not leave any easily flammable objects lying in the sun, always dispose of cigarette butts in the containers provided, and only crickets at a safe distance from the nearest forest area. “

Reul also appealed: “Never leave people or animals in the locked car in this heat.”